Meet Geroge Badey
George is a lawyer in private practice since 1982, representing working people and families. In his career, he has taken on some of the largest and most powerful institutions, including Big Tobacco, pharmaceutical giants and the insurance industry. In 2000, George was involved in the litigation in Florida surrounding the Presidential Election. To see clips from his participation in that case, click these links. CNN | ARTICLE As founder of his own law firm, George knows what it takes to run a business, meet a payroll, and provide health insurance for his employees. He knows that more needs to be done in Congress to help the economy, working people and small businesses.
George’s story demonstrates that the American Dream is alive and well, and he is running for Congress because he wants to keep it that way for future generations. Born and raised in South Philadelphia, George grew up in a row home and attended Philadelphia public schools. His father was a longshoreman and his mother a homemaker. After graduating as valedictorian of his class at South Philadelphia High School in 1975, he received an academic scholarship to the University of Pennsylvania. At Penn, George double majored, and in 1979 was awarded a bachelor’s degree in both political science and music. He went on to Villanova Law School and passed the Bar Exam on his first try in 1982. Ever since, George has represented the people, not the powerful. He has used his education and skills to level the playing field.
For the last 25 years, George has lived in Radnor Township, Delaware County. As the Chair of the Radnor Democratic Committee, he reached across party lines, and for the first time ever, Radnor Township, in the heart of the Main Line, is now governed by a Democratic majority. When his sons were younger, he coached little league baseball for nine years in the Radnor-Wayne Little League. Like their father, George’s two sons attended public schools. His son George graduated Radnor High School in 2009 and is now a junior at Villanova University, and his son Michael is in the Class of 2012 at Radnor High School.
Since the age of 13, in 1971, George has been a Mummer, and is a tenor saxophone player in the Fralinger String Band. In recent years, when the very existence of the Mummers Parade was threatened by City budget cuts, George founded and remains Chairman of the Board of “Save The Mummers,” an organization dedicated to preserve the tradition. Over a six day period shortly before the 2009 Mummers Parade, George and his organization raised over $200,000. He has demonstrated extraordinary leadership skills and resilience in the face of difficult circumstances.
George is not a career politician on the taxpayer payroll since the 1980’s. George will not go to Washington to march in lockstep with the Tea Party, but will find solutions for all of us. The political career of one man can never be more important than the hopes and dreams of the 700,000 working people in this district. We need to restore true representation for our district this November.